This is the personal testimonial of Raymond Adamcik M.D.
I would like to report exceedingly exceptional results with a supplement, BPC 157!
I am reporting particularly about exceptional my weight training results
I must first say that this is not, and I am not, a scientific study. My life has lots of randomness. As an anti-aging physician I am exposed to many new ideas, supplements and peptides that I have tested through this time period that could have influenced my results, Hence I have waited a year to confirm my results as I ruled out other factors that might have influenced my result
this study started about one year ago, after I attended a peptide conference. At that time, I decided to change three things. I changed my diet to a pescetarian diet This was because of the toxicities of meat on my intestinal system and body, I decided I added BP 157, because I was excited about the results that I learned at the conference. And I got a personal trainer. I recommend all three of these things for optimal results.
As far as the BP 157 the mechanism is that cells, after some type of injury, cells go into a neutral type of state. BP 157 sends signals to that cell to return that state into a functional status. It also sends signals to reduce inflammation or the inciting cause around it to resolve.
I found that with the dietary changes and the BP 157, I had about a 75% improvement in my gastro-intestinal condition! What I was not expecting was improvements in other body functions. My brain seemed to be more alert, and I had a definite improvement in my mood. I later learned that BP, 157, has antidepressant activities. I was initially quite pleased in my mood, brain function and Gi system but the Musculo skeletal improvement are the reason for my review
I’m writing this review, though, is because of its effects on my musculoskeletal system strength! I must add one more disclaimer to my report, is that I have a condition of neuropathy involving my lower extremities. I was hoping that the BP, 157, might help these nerves to heal and therefore improved my strength, I have been overwhelmed with the result the success of the treatment! And I must add the caveat that people may not get the same results that I have, some of my results might have been related to the curing of or improvement of my neuropathy. That could be very good news for those who suffer from neuropathy I should also add on my disclaimer is that I’ve also seen great improvements, not only in my involved lower extremities, but also in my upper extremities! which makes me believe that is more than just a healing of a neuropathy effect that is an effect involving systemic improvement of muscle growth.
After I started the BPC, 157, and a personal trainer, and the dietary changes. I Almost immediately started seeing great improvements in my muscles, my muscular strength! I havehad experience in building muscle, Ive been weight training since 1983! I was not only pleased with the was the direction, but with the speed that I gained muscle! I it seemed like every week that I went and exercised, the weight would go up 10 pounds. This seems physiologically impossible, especially since I was not exercising hours a day. This trend has continued for the last year, and during this time period, my muscle strength has gone up dramatically. There are, there are now six machines that I exercise on the maximum weight. There are many machines that the results have gone ridiculously higher. For example, leg extensions I was exercising with 70 pounds. Now I exercise with 245 pounds! My right knee curl couldn’t move the bar , now I can curl 30 pounds 5 times, and the left knee curl went from 30- 60 pounds, All of my exercise are up 50 % or more in the last year! I will post my individual stats in a follow up post
In summary, I have seen outstanding results in weight training and quality of life since BPC 157, and there is significant scientific evidence to support its use in this pursuit