Hi, do you have belly fat? Then you have the start of a metabolic disorder? It’s not only about diet and exercise, while these are critically important hormones, metabolism and nutrient deficiencies are the route to the ailments. Hormone deficiency not only slow your metabolism, but your entire life, it can be full of fatigue, moodiness and sleeplessness. Life sticks fixing hormones not only aids your weight control, but improves your quality of life. You also have a metabolic control switch, which is usually stuck on make fat. We can turn that to switch to burn fat. I can push the easy button for you. I can help you achieve your goals of reaching a better way and a better quality of life as well as overall health. Hi, I’m Dr Raymond Adamcik, founder of the Florida anti aging center in Satellite Beach, Florida. Come consult with me, and receive $50 off your membership. When you mentioned this add, call us at 321 690-0003