Hi, I’m Raymond Adamcik of the Florida anti-aging Center. We are located in Satellite Beach, Florida. Today we’re going to talk about menopause and perimenopause. Perimenopause actually starts around the age 30 to age 40, and with this decline, women can experience increased irritability, anxiety, PMS, depression and irregular menstrual cycles. Most women will seek conventional medical care with these symptoms and will be prescribed things like Ativan or Xanax or Ambien ,which are potentially addicting and toxic and don’t treat the underlying deficiency. Treatment of the underlying deficiency with bioidentical progesterone helps in many ways. It helps in terms of anxiety, in terms of sleep, also libido and mood, when, in addition, internal function also gets better, brain function, arterial function, it actually reduces plaque and reduces the incidence of any cancer by 80%!
so a little bit later on, then we start to see estradiol deficiency to develop somewhere between 40 and 55 and women often get symptoms of this, but not always. The symptoms could include hot flashes, problems with poor mood, energy ,or sleep, and just generally, lower quality of life. So, treatment would help to reverse these symptoms in terms of greatly improving mood, energy and sleep, but also internal function also gets better. It’s essential for bone and normal bone development. It also helps with blood sugar metabolism and reduces the diabetic risk by 21%. It maintains elasticity of the arteries and reduces plaque. It also improves libido and maintains healthy skin. Its is critical for brain function I a women! She must get estradiol within 10 years of this deficiency to protect brain function.So, these are more than just symptoms. These are signs of internal body decline. So, if you want to maintain a normal, youthful, healthy body and get better quality of life, then you need to come to us at Florida anti-aging center where we can get your levels to optimal and get those results that you want. Call us at 321 690-0003

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