Testosterone in prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s
most people expect their memory to get worse with age. But is it age, or is it something else? They should be worried about it, because Alzheimer’s disease is exploding, and along with that pre Alzheimer’s disease, so what you don’t want is to have low testosterone, because they studied that if 574 men. Patients did not include women, but I would think women had similar results, and they found out over 19 year time that if you had the lowest testosterone, you had a 54 times higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, which was levels like 300 or less. And there was also an inverse relationship. The higher the level, the lower the risk, very high at 0.2 relative risk. So what you don’t want to have is low testosterone, but it’s in fixable. Yes, they study 17 patients with pre Alzheimer’s and 15 patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and they had 100% response. It was treated, and there was drastic improvements, 295% in spatial improvement, and verbal memory and construction abilities. So it does work well, how we used to think that you were born with all your brain cells as you got but now there’s new theories that you can actually make new brain cells, and there are some agents that have been implicated in that most hormones like testosterone, but also estradiol has been implicated in it. That’s why women going through menopause, it’s critical that they get estradiol, but also the hormone vitamin D, thyroid in the right form, Must have T3 melatonin, the hormone pregnenolone, which is available over the counter, and these supplements. So if you want to get those brains wheels working, then contact me, Dr Raymond Adamcik at the Florida anti-aging Center. 321 690-0003